[quote="djole79"]Elem ewo prvog deka:
4x Lord of atlantis
4x Merrow reejerey
4x Merrow commerce
4x Remove soul
4x Familiar's Ruse
3x Sygg, River Guide
3x Aquitect's Will
2x Wanderwine Prophets
1x Tideshaper Mystic
1x Surgespanner
2x Streambed Aquitects
3x Silvergill Adept
1x Cryptic command
2x Fallowsage
1x Crib swap
1x Judge of currents
prophet je jednostavno losh...baaash losh...zashto 1xjudge of curents?...zashto 4x comerce?...za shta tjesh to da ih tepujesh? i koga tjesh da tepujesh?...imash ukupno 3 merfolka koji imaju tap ability a imash 4x comerce???...aquetics will je isto trash kapiram landwalk fazon al bolje je imati 4xtideshaper mystic i recimo 4xponder...jer em je za jednu manu merfolk em daje islandwalk EM ti trebaju jeftini stvorovi za ruse...ma mislim neee mozhe ovo da radi
e imamo 1x hub za menjanje (: